White Wine Naveran 1982 Xarelo 750ml
Mercado Gama$ 355.00
The Naveran 1982 White Wine is a wine that you can enjoy with every sip and will encourage you to repeat.
The Xare lo grapes were planted in 1982 and are obtained exclusively from the Cal Mel bush vines. They are harvested by hand after a short maceration in the press.
The must remains there to undergo slow fermentation at low temperatures. After spending a few months in the same tank, the wine is stabilised, filtered and is ready to be bottled.
Variety: Xarel•lo
% Alcohol: 11 %
Guy: White wine
Flavor: Very good acidity. Pleasant and persistent.
Country: SPAIN
Smell: Aromas of ripe fruit. Very floral.
Store: Sadeve
Pairing: Ideal as an aperitif
Temperature: 8 ºC
Color: Bright pale yellow color.
Cask: N/A
$ 355.00